Please email reception@amwchr.org.au or contact us using the form below.

Request a referral:
To refer clients to the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights, please complete and submit the online Client Referral Form.
If you would like us to call you back:
If you would like one of our staff to contact you for a consultation, please select the ‘Request a callback’ enquiry type in the form below and leave your details.
Please note that due to increased traffic to our phone lines, call back services may take up to 5 business days.
Media enquiries:
For all media requests and enquiries, please call our Communications Coordinator via email at comms@amwchr.org.au.
In an emergency,
please call:
Police or ambulance: 000
Crisis response, safety concerns, specialised response to law and order issues.
Safe Steps
1800 015 188
24-hour telephone support service. Crisis support, safety planning, crisis accommodation referral for people experiencing family violence.
For non-emergency help, please call:
Counselling (24-hour):
1800 Respect (1800 737 732)
For all other enquiries:
For all other enquiries, please complete the following contact form and we will be in touch.