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What The Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights has been up to over the past year. 

Media Release

Silence and Selective Outrage: Addressing the Surge in Islamophobic Violence Against Muslim Women.

To read our full statement, please follow the link below.

Annual Report 2023-2024

We are delighted to share with you the 2023-24 annual report for the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights. This report showcases the remarkable amount of work achieved by our incredible team at AMWCHR in the past year. To read the full report, click the button below.

Voices for Change: Engaging Muslim Men in the Prevention of Family Violence

This research project sought to identify and outline some of the barriers inhibiting Muslim men’s engagement in FV prevention and identify the ways in which these barriers can be overcome.

Framework for Engaging Muslim Men in the Prevention of Family Violence

This Framework has been developed in response to a long-standing need – frequently expressed by Muslim women and more recently also men engaged in our programs – to upscale initiatives against family violence by engaging Muslim men and boys.

Barriers to Access: Migrant and refugee women’s experiences of the online family violence intervention order process

This study explores the barriers experienced by migrant and refugee womenwhen using online forms to apply for family violence intervention orders (FVIOs).

Information & Resources for Muslim communities

AMWCHR has gathered some helpful resources for Muslim communities on ways to seek support during international crisis.

With the rise of Islamophobia impacting our communities we urge anyone who has been subject to racism, discrimination or victimisation on the basis of religion, culture or nationality to report the incident immediately. In the case of an emergency, to report a crime in progress, or request immediate police attendance, call Triple Zero (000).

Strategic Plan 2022-2026

We are delighted to finally be able to share our Strategic Plan for 2022-2026. Our Strategic Plan captures our 5-year vision and affirms our role as a specialist family violence service, working across the continuum from prevention and early intervention through to response and long-term recovery, along with our deep work in community supporting Muslim women to reach their potential and achieve equality without exception.



Equality without Exception

The Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights was created by Muslim women, for Muslim women.

about us

We advocate for the rights of Muslim women through our programs, casework, research, publications and consultancy.

We believe that Muslim women must be the impetus for change in their status as citizens. We take a non-religious, non-sectarian approach to our work and apply a social justice lens to it. 

As one of the leading voices on Muslim women’s rights in Australia, we support a vision of Islam at its most progressive, immediate and pertinent to the challenges that Muslim women face.

Our Resources

The Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights produces a range of research and publications on topics relating to Muslim women in Australia.


Our Purpose

We work for the rights of Muslim women in Australia by:

  • Empowering women’s self-determination
  • Bringing a human rights approach to bear on issues of inequality and disadvantage
  • Working with individuals, communities and government to advocate and educate for equality within the Australian context.


Our Vision

We work to achieve Equality without Exception.

We advocate for the rights of all Muslim women through our programs, casework, research, publications and consultancy.

Our Work

experts at leading change

In realising our vision, we use a human rights framework to amplify the voices of Muslim women. We acknowledge the inherent agency that Muslim women have. 

Our research, programs and services aim to build capacity and raise awareness to break down structural barriers that exist for Muslim women in Australia, both within Muslim communities and in broader social and political contexts.  

Our consulting and training services build the capacity of organisations and partners to respond to Muslim communities through culturally safe, awareness-raising training. This work draws on the expertise we’ve built through working with Muslim women and young Muslims since 1991.

Support Services

  • Individual support services for Muslim women
  • Specialised family violence support
  • Settlement services
  • Secondary consultation and collaborative casework
  • Specialised cultural and religious support


  • Parenting programs
  • Settlement programs
  • Young women’s programs
  • Capacity-building and leadership programs
  • Community Consultations and Feedback

Training and Consultation

  • Media and communications
  • Advocacy and policy
  • Training and sector capacity-building

Our impact this financial year

Women/Young women supported

Service providers trained

Sessions (groupwork/training) conducted


Your kind donations will contribute to the work we do in supporting Muslim women.
If you would like to support our work, you can donate via the link below.